Dear All
If you can look at Unit 5 as we have just started this unit. . I recommend you look at the mark scheme as we have been doing in class as this will assist in getting the marks clearly allocated for Learning Objective LOL1
You will have downloaded this into your area already.
You need to clearly identify 2 areas. of maintenance. Suggest areas of System failure, such as the case study on the Bombadeir undercarriage, Rail signal failure
Mark Band 1–3
(0–9 marks)
There are typically up to 2 marks for each of the two descriptions, but could
go to 3 marks if either the consequences of failure or the effect on
production is answered well and above that required for this mark band but
up to a maximum of 4 marks.
Up to 2 marks can be awarded for the explanation of the effects and should
be based on the how well it shows the effects are appropriate to customer
expectation and corporate image and 1 mark can be awarded for linking
image and customer expectation within the explanation.
Up to 2 marks could be awarded for indicate why consequences affect
corporate image; this could be in the form of advantages and limitations.
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